People information is input and stored here including prospects, clients, agents, lenders, escrow officers, and others.
- Next Up is a convenient User defined Queue set up under the Business Dashboard by Admin users. If you have a team with a queue rotation, this is the perfect place to keep track of who’s next. Clicking on a name moves them to the back of the line and records the user who clicked on that name and time of day. The Queue is set up by Admin in the Business Dashboard.
- Number displayed in the right portion of the People ribbon (100/250) shows the total number of records displayed on the page (if you scroll to the bottom) and the total number of records stored in the WebApp for the filter selected at the bottom. The total number of records to displayed per page is changeable on the Settings page (picture icon upper right) at the bottom under Number of Results to Display.
- Search in the top center box to find a specific person.
- Rows – Clicking on a name will take you to that View/Edit Person form. Clicking on the email will take you to your email program and begin an addressed email.
- Print Button – Clicking on the Print Icon to the right of a Person will take you to a printable form with all that client’s information.
- Notes will allow user to read any attached notes and add new notes without having to go to the View/Edit Person page.
- Filters at the bottom of the page can help you sort out types of clients or other people. Example: if you want to see all your Buyer Prospects (not a confirmed Client yet), select “Prospect” and “Buyer”. If you want to see all your Loan Officers, select “All” for Status and “Loan Officer” for Role.
- +Add New Person opens the Add New Person form. See View/Edit Person & Add New Person below.